A simple medical plan that is accessible, reconfigured, and tailored to needs.

Why Choose Smart Health
- Group Plan accessible for Sole Proprietors, 1099 employees, and small groups
- Various Deductible Plans – more than three options
- Access to National PPO Networks - Cigna and PHCS/Multiplan
- Available in all 50 states
- NJ residents - Access to QualCare with a National PPO wrapped network
- QualCare is one of New Jersey's largest networks for the past 30 years, includes every hospital
- All plans have Out-of-Network coverage
- Direct Contracted Networks
- Rolling enrollments throughout the year
- You receive:
- Access to 24/7 Claims and Eligibility access through the member's Portal
- Live member support M-F 8am – 6pm EST
We work with these major carriers and more.

*Certain eligibility requirements will apply. Coverage is subject to enrollment and monthly premium payments and fees. Carriers and plans subject to change. The benefits and insurance policies described in the program are offered and distributed by Han Benefit Advantage Inc. d/b/a BenAdvance. Weichert, Realtors®️ and Weichert affiliated companies are not a licensed insurance agents nor is it the provider of the benefits and insurance policies offered. Han Benefit Advantage Inc. d/b/a BenAdvance is the administrator of the program. Neither Weichert, Realtors®️ nor Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. are affiliated with Han Benefit Advantage Inc. d/b/a BenAdvance nor do they receive any compensation for promoting the benefits and insurance policies. You must be an active Weichert, Realtors®️ sales associate or associated with a Weichert®️ franchise to participate in the program and join Local 713. Your eligibility to participate will end upon the termination of your association with Weichert, Realtors®️ or a Weichert franchise. Other terms and conditions may apply. Life, accident, critical illness and all other insurance policies are made available through American National Insurance Company. Statements made regarding benefits and insurance coverage are for general description purposes only and they do not amend, modify, supplement, or alter any health plan, insurance policy or supplemental benefit in any way. Eligibility for life insurance and any other type of insurance offered is subject to underwriting qualifications and approval by the insurance company writing the policy. Weichert®️ is a federally registered trademark owned by Weichert Co. REALTORS®️ is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifies a real estate professional who is a Member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®️ and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Each Weichert®️ franchised office is independently owned and operated.