A simple medical plan that is accessible, reconfigured, and tailored to needs.

Why Choose Smart Health
- Group Plan accessible for Sole Proprietors, 1099 employees, and small groups
- Various Deductible Plans – more than three options
- Access to National PPO Networks - Cigna and PHCS/Multiplan
- Available in all 50 states
- NJ residents - Access to QualCare with a National PPO wrapped network
- QualCare is one of New Jersey's largest networks for the past 30 years, includes every hospital
- All plans have Out-of-Network coverage
- Direct Contracted Networks
- Rolling enrollments throughout the year
- You receive:
- Access to 24/7 Claims and Eligibility access through the member's Portal
- Live member support M-F 8am – 6pm EST
We work with these major carriers and more.

*Certain eligibility requirements will apply. Coverage is subject to enrollment and monthly premium payments and fees. Carriers and plans subject to change.